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The Feminist Therapy Network operates from the following principles:


  • Feminist understandings are not solely theoretical but are lived. 

  • Commitment to an intersectional feminist praxis that engages with how our differences shape our experiences, in order to foster connection and solidarity work.

  • Commitment to learning about how colonial legacies continue to shape the psy-disciplines whilst also maintaining different forms of oppression, and to unlearning these legacies within our practices.

  • Commitment to a feminism that is trans-inclusionary and resists trans-antagonism.

  • Recognition of patriarchy’s detrimental impact upon all genders and a commitment to subverting its manifestations within therapeutic practice.

  • Challenging hegemonic and adaptive therapeutic orthodoxies.

  • Re-conceptualising a liberatory feminist therapeutics.

  • Creative inquiry into bridging the ‘personal’ and ‘political’ within therapeutic practice.

  • Collective remembering and re-imagining of radical feminist therapeutic praxes.

  • Fostering cultures of solidarity and critical consciousness in order to engage with feminist therapeutic work.

  • Respectful, accountable dialogue held in an ethic of love that calls each other in, not out.

  • Fierce Love.

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