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The FTN adopts an engaged feminist pedagogy in its courses, workshops and seminars, using a relational approach to explore different aspects of therapeutic theory and praxis from a variety of feminist perspectives.


Engaged pedagogy understands learning as a collaborative and holistic practice of cultivating knowledge, informed by our own life experiences alongside listening deeply to the experiences of others.


Facilitators will utilise reading, group discussion, writing practices, sometimes creative activities, to explore feminist issues through a diverse range of texts and materials, which may include, but are not restricted to, book chapters, journal articles, novels, poems, videos, podcasts and image.


The FTN is committed to building inclusive communities of inquiry which stimulate, challenge and inspire otherwise expansive ways of thinking and being. Whether in person or online via Zoom, participants will be encouraged to actively create their own meaning and understanding through shared and generous participation with each other, supporting each others' intellectual and spiritual growth as we learn together.


All learning and participation will be informed by the FTN’s ethos. Each learning space will be invited to create its own conditions of learning, however we offer Ali Phipps’ Principles for a Feminist Classroom as a starting point, with gratitude for her generous sharing of resources.
















To learn more about engaged pedagogy, recommended reading is bell hooks’ Teaching to Trangress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (1994) and AnaLouise Keating’s Teaching Transformation: Transcultural Classroom Dialogues (2007).



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